On Military Day, actor Varun Dhawan took a second to pay tribute to India’s actual heroes. Whereas capturing for his upcoming movie Border 2, Varun spent the day interacting with troopers, studying about their lives, and expressing his deep respect for his or her sacrifices. He shared his admiration on social media, stating, “Honouring the actual heroes of India this #ArmyDay. Proud to be with them. #Border2.”
Varun’s involvement in Border 2 has introduced him nearer to the army’s true essence. The movie, directed by Anurag Singh and produced by Bhushan Kumar and JP Dutta, celebrates the braveness and dedication of the Indian Military. It’s set for a grand launch on January 23, 2026, and is shaping as much as be an epic tribute to the nation’s defenders.
With a robust manufacturing group, together with Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, JP Dutta, and Nidhi Dutta, Border 2 guarantees to be an exhilarating cinematic expertise. The movie is introduced by Gulshan Kumar & T-Sequence, in collaboration with J.P. Movies, making it probably the most anticipated movies of the 12 months.