Priyanka Chopra is busy juggling her numerous movie initiatives. She is in Hyderabad at the moment reportedly for a movie announcement with SS Rajamouli. Amid this, the actress has one other accountability on her shoulders. She goes to be a sister-in-law quickly as her brother Siddharth Chopra will get married quickly.
And forward of this huge occasion, it’s being reported that the actress’ residence within the Raj Basic constructing on Yari Highway is below renovation to welcome Siddharth’s accomplice Neelam Upadhyaya. In line with experiences, the household is giving the place a brand new makeover.
Siddhant and Neelam’s ring ceremony was held on August 23 final 12 months in Mumbai. Priyanka attended the ceremony with Nick Jonas and their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. Their wedding ceremony date is but to be revealed.
In the meantime, Priyanka Chopra lately made a religious cease on the Chilkur Balaji Temple.
Her go to comes amid speculations about an thrilling new mission. Filmfare earlier revealed that the actress is in talks with SS Rajamouli for a movie alongside Mahesh Babu. Whereas no official affirmation has been made, her presence in Hyderabad has fuelled rumours.