On Thursday, Saif Ali Khan recounted the horrific stabbing incident that happened on January 16. As per studies on a number one information portal, the actor advised the police that he was at residence together with his spouse, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan after they heard their son Jehangir’s nanny scream. The 2 rushed to their son’s room the place they first noticed the alleged intruder.
Jehangir was crying. The police shared that when Saif tried intervening, the attacker stabbed him a number of instances on the again, neck and arms. Saif reportedly managed to push the intruder and lock him contained in the room whereas Jehangir and his nanny Eliyama Philips had been in a position to escape.
Philip, who sustained an damage on her hand, advised Saif that the intruder entered Jeh’s room and had demanded Rs 1 crore.
See Additionally: Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan Get Temporary Police Protection
Saif Ali Khan was rushed to the hospital the place a particular staff of docs operated on him. The actor has since recovered and returned residence.
In the meantime, the accused who’s reportedly being recognized as Shariful, has been nabbed by the police.