Bollywood’s legendary Kapoor household celebrated Raj Kapoor’s centenary with a grand movie competition. All the household reunited for the occasion’s grand opening on December 13, making a memorable second. Amid the gathering, Alia Bhatt captured all the eye in a sleek white saree. She later shared mesmerizing footage of her outfit on Instagram, leaving her followers in awe.
Alia wore a white Sabyasachi saree adorned with intricate multicoloured floral and leafy motifs. True to her minimalist type, she accessorized with a fragile pearl choker. Her look was accomplished with tender waves cascading over her shoulders and dewy make-up, exuding easy magnificence. Sharing a sequence of images on Instagram, Alia captioned them, “Mud mud ke na dekh,” a line from Raj Kapoor’s timeless basic “Awara”.
Scroll all the way down to discover her charming look.