Varun Dhawan tied the knot to his childhood sweetheart Natasha Dalal on at the present time in 2021. Because the couple rejoice their marriage ceremony anniversary at present, the Child John actor has shared some unseen pictures from their trip and made a promise to his spouse that he’ll take her on a trip on their subsequent anniversary.
Within the first picture, the couple may be seen on a cruise ship with their canine on their lap. The second picture reveals them on a seashore with a browsing board in Varun’s hand. The ultimate picture is a snap of Varun and Natasha kissing one another amid a picturesque backdrop.
Together with the pictures, Varun wrote, “my experience or die I promise to take u on a vacation subsequent anniversary”
Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal tied the knot in a personal ceremony. They welcomed their daughter after nearly three years of their marriage ceremony on June 3, 2023. They named their daughter Lara.