AR Rahman’s daughter Khatija Rahman has denied the experiences of the music maestro taking a profession break after his separation from Saira Banu. She responded to a tweet that stated that AR Rahman will take a one-year break from the music business. She wrote, “Please cease spreading such ineffective rumours.”
AR Rahman and his spouse Saira Banu parted methods after virtually 29 years of marriage. A few weeks again, Saira opened up in regards to the separation and requested folks to not malign the musician’s title by spreading rumours. She revealed that she had been bodily unwell for a while and needed to take a break from the composer. She was quoted as saying, “I’ve been bodily unwell for the final couple of months. That’s the rationale I simply needed to take a break from AR.”
“I request you to cease false allegations. God bless, and my honest prayers that we’re left alone and given area. We’ve got not formally introduced something but. Cease tarnishing his title, which is completely garbage. He’s a gem of an individual,” stated Saira.