Athiya Shetty, who’s anticipating her first youngster with cricketer KL Rahul, not too long ago shared an emotional glimpse into her being pregnant journey on Instagram. The heartwarming submit features a black-and-white picture of her resting on Rahul’s shoulder and a video revealing her child bump as they stroll hand-in-hand. The ultimate slide carries an inspiring quote: “Decelerate typically. Rely your blessings. Be type to your coronary heart. Imagine in new beginnings.”
Presently in Sydney, Australia, Athiya is supporting KL Rahul as he prepares for the fifth Take a look at match towards Australia, scheduled from January 3 to 7, 2025. The couple, who tied the knot in January 2023, shared the pleasant information of anticipating their first youngster in a joint submit with the message, “Our lovely blessing is coming quickly. 2025.”
On December 31, Athiya was additionally seen on the Melbourne Cricket Floor, flaunting her child bump in an off-the-cuff, fashionable look.