A extremely anticipated Telugu movie Daaku Maharaaj launched on theatres on January 12, 2025. The movie has a stellar star solid led by Nandamuri Balakrishna, Bobby Deol, Pragya Jaiswal, Shraddha Srinath, Urvashi Rautela, and Chandhini Chowdary in outstanding roles. The movie earned â¹ 50.40 crore India web on its first 3 days on the field workplace.
As per an Indian field workplace tracker, Daaku Maharaaj has earned â¹3.51 crore on Wednesday, based mostly on dwell knowledge reported (topic to updates). The movie had a gap of â¹25.35 crore.
The movie marks Bobby Deol’s debut in Telugu cinema, the place he portrays Singh Thakur, the antagonist on this thrilling storyline.