Diljit Dosanjh’s latest live performance in Chandigarh has landed the organizers in bother for violating noise-level restrictions. The live performance’s noise exceeded the 75-decibel restrict set by the Punjab and Haryana Excessive Court docket, with readings starting from 76.1 to 93.1 decibels. Consequently, authorities are contemplating levying a superb of Rs 15 lakh for the violation.
The singer-actor’s ongoing Dil-Luminati tour has already confronted a number of points, together with a warning from the Telangana authorities about selling alcohol and violence at his Hyderabad present. Protests in Indore led to restrictions on alcohol and meat, and in Pune, alcohol was banned altogether.
Throughout the Chandigarh present, Diljit expressed frustration over India’s live performance infrastructure, saying he wouldn’t carry out within the nation once more till enhancements had been made. He emphasised the significance of higher amenities to assist reside occasions, which contribute considerably to the financial system and employment.
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