Junaid Khan is presently gearing up for his upcoming movie, Loveyapa. The actor sat for a hearty chat with Filmfare in regards to the film, its theme and his private experiences with love. When requested about his first heartbreak, Junaid recalled writing poems to recover from the unhappy feeling.
“I used to be writing poetry,” he stated. As we insisted on listening to his poems, Junaid laughingly added, “I used to be 16. I do not need you to listen to any of that.” Including additional that his poems again then had been terrible, he stated that he had mastered the artwork of writing breakup poetry after his first heartbreak.
Junaid additionally shared about doing embarrassing issues out of affection. When requested if he has ever been embarrassing in love, he stated, “I’m positive I’ve finished plenty of embarrassing issues. I did not discover any of them embarrassing.”
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