Bollywood famous person Salman Khan celebrated his 59th birthday on December 27. Alongside together with his shut family and friends members, he jetted off to Jamnagar, Gujarat for the celebration which was hosted on the Ambani household’s residence. Ananya Panday’s aunt Deanne Panday, who was part of the celebrations gave a sneak peek of the celebration.
A grand signal studying ” Love you Bhaijaan” was put in on the venue. Deanne shared a photograph of the signal together with a few of the friends who attended the birthday bash corresponding to Sohail Khan, Salman Khan’s nephews Nirvan Khan, Arhaan Khan and Ayaan Agnihotri, Warda Nadiadwala and Alvira Agnihotri amongst others. She shared a video of lovely fireworks and Salman’s songs may very well be heard taking part in within the background. The eating tables had Salman Khan’s photographs from his childhood days to maturity framed.
Sohail, too, shared a photograph together with his son Nirvan and nephews Arhaan and Ayaan sitting in entrance of the Bhaijaan signal.
On the work entrance, Salman Khan is gearing up for his subsequent movie Sikandar. Check out the photographs of his party: