Pooja Hegde not too long ago shared beautiful new photos of herself in a classy outfit, showcasing shades of brown. She wore a brown trench coat with a large lapel and a belt, paired with an olive-green strapless prime that featured a fitted bodice. The look was accomplished with olive inexperienced, high-waisted wide-leg pants, which had a singular pleated element on the backside. Styled by Tanya Gharvi, the ensemble exuded sophistication and easy class.
On the skilled entrance, Pooja Hegde will likely be seen in Deva alongside Shahid Kapoor. The movie is about to be launched on January 31, 2025. Scroll down to take a look at her photos.
See Additionally: Pics: Deva co-stars Shahid Kapoor & Pooja Hegde get clicked in the city