The filmmaker made the announcement by a social media submit. He reposted Akshay Kumar’s birthday want for him the place the actor thanked the filmmaker for being his mentor. Sharing it, Priyadarshan wrote, “Thanks a lot on your needs Akshay . In return I want to provide you with a present , I’m prepared to do Hera Pheri 3 , Are you prepared”, and tagged the trio of Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal.
Thanks a lot on your needs Akshay . In return I want to provide you with a present , I’m prepared to do Hera Pheri 3 , Are you prepared @akshaykumar , @SunielVShetty and @SirPareshRawal ?
— priyadarshan (@priyadarshandir) January 30, 2025
Seeing this, Akshay Kumar had the identical response as every other Bollywood fan. He shared a gif from his movie Welcome the place his character Rajiv could be seen saying “Miracle! Miracle!”. The actor penned, “Sir!!! Your birthday and I received the most effective present of my life. Chalo karte hain phir thodi hera pheri 🙂 @SirPareshRawal @SunielVShetty @priyadarshandir”
Sir!!! Your birthday and I received the most effective present of my life. Chalo karte hain phir thodi hera pheri 🙂 @SirPareshRawal @SunielVShetty @priyadarshandir
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) January 30, 2025
In the meantime, the filmmaker spoke about returning to the franchise in an interview and mentioned that regardless of saying that he wouldn’t return to the franchise, he modified his choice as a result of the strain to return turned an excessive amount of.