After police detained Allu Arjun within the Sandhya theatre stampede case, the sufferer Revathi’s husband withdrew the case. Popping out in help of the Pushpa star, Bhaskar stated, “I’m able to withdraw the case. I used to be not conscious of the arrest and Allu Arjun has nothing to do with the stampede by which my spouse handed away.”
The incident occurred when Allu Arjun and his workforce visited the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad throughout the screening of his movie Pushpa 2: The Rule. The gang grew to become uncontrollable upon seeing the actor and it led to a stampede which claimed Revathi’s life and injured her son.
See Additionally: Varun Dhawan Reacts To Allu Arjun’s Arrest in Stampede Case: “Har cheez…”
Right this moment, the Hyderabad police detained the actor in reference to the stampede. He was taken to the Chikkadpally police station for inquiry. Police had filed a case in opposition to Allu Arjun, his secretary and the theatre administration.