The outfit was designed by Rahul Vijay. In an extended social media publish, Rahul thanked Prateik for trusting him along with his mom’s wardrobe. “Thanks @_prat for letting me dig into the archives of your late mom, and the very iconic #SmitaPatil. When Prateik known as me up asking me to decorate him up for the Indian premiere of #Manthan, #SmitaPatil’s first film that was proven on the current Cannes Movie Pageant, I knew I had to usher in parts of Smita Patil’s model into his look. Now this was difficult as a result of we had been getting womenswear items & furthermore we didn’t know what we might find yourself discovering from Smita Patil’s wardrobe that will match Prateiks model. Prateiks aunt was form sufficient to provide us eight sarees to mess around with. We narrowed down on two stunning silk Kanjeevaram sarees,” he added.
Prateik has been vocal in regards to the recollections he has with the late actress. Throughout an interview, he had opened up in regards to the love Smita will get from her followers. “They nonetheless rejoice her like she continues to be round and like she has simply given a success movie on the field workplace. All people is celebrating her birthday like everybody’s going to go and reduce a cake or ship some messages to her,” he stated.