Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan have been seen stepping out of their Bandra residence collectively for the primary time because the knife assault on the previous. They exited their constructing amid heavy safety. The actor was stabbed a number of instances by an intruder on the morning of January sixteenth. Following that, he was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital the place he underwent surgical procedure. Saif was discharged from the hospital earlier this week.
The video shared by the paparazzi sees Kareena strolling forward of Saif. Police personnel and safety guards may be seen strolling near them to make sure their security. The couple entered their automotive with out interacting with the cameramen.
In the meantime, the actor recorded his assertion with the police a few days again. As per experiences, he advised the police that he was at house with Kareena after they heard their son Jehangir’s nanny screaming.
They rushed to Jeh’s room the place they noticed the intruder. When the actor tried to intervene, he was stabbed a number of instances on his palms, neck and again. Nonetheless, Saif Ali Khan managed to push the person and lock him contained in the room.