Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan’s son Taimur Ali Khan celebrated his birthday at present. On his special occasion, Taimur’s aunt, Soha Ali Khan, shared a candy birthday want on behalf of her daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu.
Soha took to her social media deal with to publish a heartwarming video, of moments between Taimur and his cousin Inaaya. The video opens with the 2 leaping on a mattress, splashing round in a pool and guffawing over pizza.
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The caption reads, “From leaping on the mattress to racing freestyle, we’ve come a good distance—right here’s to a lifetime of household, meals, and prezzies !! Glad Birthday Tim bhai.”
Taimur celebrated his birthday with a soccer match. He was seen on the turf with Saif and Kareena. Try the images right here:
Read more: Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan Throw a Sporty Birthday Bash For Taimur