After Dune: Prophecy, Tabu is all set to star in Akshay Kumar’s much-anticipated horror-comedy, Bhooth Bangla. Sharing the information on social media, Tabu posted an image on social media attempting to trace on her upcoming challenge, “Hum yahan bandh hain.” Producer Ektaa Kapoor commented on the publish saying, “Aaapka swaagat hai at all times an honour tabu mam.”
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The movie’s taking pictures is presently underway in Jaipur. Akshay introduced the start of filming by sharing a photograph from the units with Paresh Rawal. Bhooth Bangla guarantees to mix components of humour and horror, a style followers have seen in earlier hits like Bhool Bhulaiyaa and Laxmii.
Directed by Priyadarshan, the film is slated for its theatrical launch on April 2, 2026.